Family Constellation Schedule 2024
Sunday May 19th 10 AM- 5 PM
When you pay you will be registered. You can attend both days for the single price. If you plan to attend on both days and have registered as a focus client, please let us know which day you prefer to set your constellation.
There will be healthy snacks, tea, coffee and water.
Please bring a lunch for the day.
Please bring a lunch for the day.
Suggested Self Care after a constellation workshop
- Talk as little as possible in the first half hour after your constellation.
- Avoid analyzing and thinking about your constellation experience. This can serve to disrupt the process and distract. Let your soul continue the transformation. Remember, the soul moves much slower than the mind.
- Unplug from social media and other external input.
- Rest, meditate, journal and/or do something calming and enjoyable.
- Give yourself all the time and space you need to integrate your insights and experience
- Take a shower or bath afterward to cleanse, this includes washing your hair.
- Change your clothes and wash them.
- Drink warm liquids and have warm nourishing foods. Enjoy essential oils or aromas.
- Light a candle.
- Unplug from social media and other external input.
- Your constellation experience continues to evolve over months or a year(s). With curiosity, notice subtle changes and shifts in perspective.
- Keep your attention and energy inward as much as possible.
- Be patient with yourself and understand that the amount of time to integrate varies from person to person. Some people feel direct and immediate changes and some people experience a worsening of symptoms as your system may be recalibrating on a fundamental level.
- If you have any concerns, questions and/or need support, please contact [email protected] or call 541-760-6959. We’re here to support you!!
These images were created by artists who attended our Racism workshop via Zoom on August 15th, 2020